Friday, 2 May 2014

Teachers – the unrivalled heroes

Nurtured in the hinterland Bynangri, an untamed and isolated mind if unattended could possibly have created nuisance in the community. Enrolling in school education and timely intervention from ever committed teachers transformed my mind for better; however, not discounting values infused in me by my illiterate and humble parents. This has come about by schools put in place, curriculum in the system and teachers in the classrooms. Courtesy to our visionary Monarchs, Bhutan has grown by leaps and bounds in so short a time. From infrastructural development to emergence of newer ideologies from tiny Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, education played significant role in transforming Bhutanese society, though not singly. Policies formulated and decisions made by our Monarchs, notably King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, the third in the line of Wangchuck Dynasty revolutionized internal system as well as her external policy. Hence, he is deservedly idolized as the Father of Modern Bhutan.
Delving deeper into the discipline of modernization without education forming part of it would be unfounded. Interpreting modernization as a process of refinement and improvisation, education with investigative and inquisitive outlook propels the former. To materialize this combination, effective and efficient medium is very much essential. Aside curriculum and classrooms, teacher’s role is instrumental in transforming the minds for good.  Starting from alphabet A, B, C and Ka, Kha and Ga to Civic Education, Collective Wellbeing and Dependent Origination, the road so far travelled afforded me varied and enriching experiences. In the process, I reached Nalanda to listen to teachings of Shantideva, sailed with Christopher Columbus and Vasco Da Gama, explored with Copernicus and Galileo and walked with Mahatma Gandhi and Sojourner Truth.  Through these, I got to see the wider horizon of the cosmos, compounded with differing physic, interests, faith and attributes. With your receptive, inquisitive and appreciative pedagogical instruments, today I can get along with fast evolving dynamics of our diverse community.
As the Nation comes together to pay tribute to late Majesty for steering the country on the path of modernization, observing Teachers Day reiterating his contribution in the field of education and also acknowledging the selfless service of our noble teachers,  the moment  is a perfect union. Kudos to Late Majesty and my Teachers – the unrivalled heroes, Dechen, an inept being has found his place. However, the road ahead without the guidance of you all, my beloved teachers would be unimaginable and troublesome. For me, you all have guided me safely up to here and definitely are the torch bearers as I venture farther.  

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